Liebster Award : discover new blogs

7:35 AM

Liebster Award is an award for bloggers that have less than 200 followers and is passed from blogger to blogger in order to help readers find new blogs to follow. Thanks to Biehah Moran for nominating me, or else I will never know the mere existence of this award and I am guessing it is the same case for most of you guys as well or maybe its just me that,  have been living under the rock, or something. I am pretty sure its the latter case, isn't it? oh well. rocks are cool.

so, what i have been informed is that there are rules to follow and those rules are :

1. the nominated have to express their gratitude for the nominator by creating their own post accepting the nomination and linking back to the nominator's blog entry link.
2. it is an obligatory to insert the "Liebster Award" picture in the post.
3. the nominated have to give six facts about themselves.
4. then, the nominated have to answer the six questions asked by the nominator.
5. afterwards, the nominated have to nominate another six bloggers that deserve to receive the Liebster Award.
6. the nominated have to create another six questions for the six bloggers (that they chose previously) to answer and later on, inform them that they received the Liebster Award.

So six facts about me. hmm i started blogging since i was nine years old. i clearly remember how i felt proud of it because in those days it was pretty rare to have a young blogger on the net. it was like getting to sit on the adults' table during dinner time, you know. well, one thing to clear the air is that I study in university this year despite my age is because i enter primary school when i was six years old. therefore, i a;ready graduated from high school last year. no, i did not take O levels or any qualification that i never knew of (what do i know in life, really). i was an SPM candidate like any normal Malaysian student out there. i dream to be able to aspire others, even if its just one person and i wish to live my life, to the fullest. that's all, i guess. six (random) facts about me.

as for the questions, here are the six questions from Biehah Moran :

1. what promises have you never carried through for yourself?
- i am so bad at promises that i always tend to avoid it because i always forget things but if i have to address one particular promise (that i consider as a promise to myself) then it would be listing a to-do-list. i have this weird curse that i have been carrying for my whole life is that when i start to list things to do today or tomorrow or whatever it may be, i will never end up doing it. i either forget the fact i wrote it in the first place or i procrastinate so bad that i end up not doing it at all. i am just better at organizing my mind right at that moment like that game Sims, you know. how we put things to do and it will appear on top of the screen and then our virtual character will start to do it one by one? yeah, that's basically how my mind works, folks.

2. if you could do anything or wish for anything, what would it be?
- if i could do anything, i would choose swimming. you know how there is always a person that has mad interest and passion in something but they are never good at it? yes, that's me when it comes to swimming. so if i could do something without learning it and just be a natural genius at it then i would definitely choose swimming. if i can wish for anything, i would wish for health, longer life and more positive vibes. not just for me, but for my family, friends and just basically people around me that i love. there is nothing better than a healthy and happy life, isn't it? except for being filthy rich and buy stuffs without looking at the price tags though.. kidding kidding (but a Kate Spade bag would definitely hit the spot..)

3. tell me about something you really regret and why?
- this was back in high school senior year, where i hang around people that are so-called "friends" just to not be left out and to be among the "cool" kids. it was stupid, really. i knew they talk crap behind me and then act like they're innocent in front of me but i still hang out with them pretty much everyday anyway. although, sometimes i felt like i do not regret much when i realize that those experiences taught me so many lessons in life and made me who I am today. but i do regret in terms of when i felt like i could meet and be friends with so much better people out there that i didn't get to meet because i was so busy trying to not miss out when i just missed better things in life.

4. picture the child you once were, what were they really good at?
- annoy people till they get sick of me? but i gotta admit i am still pretty good at it. (all hail annoying deeha)

5. based on your current daily actions and routines, what and where would you expect to be in five years?
- hmm i am not really sure.. the insecure side of me thinks that i will be that single fat cat lady (and i don't even like cats) who failed college, struggling with job applications and interviews, still can't swim, while secretly fantasizing a charming prince would fall from the sky and save me. nah jokes aside, i expect myself to be married but not a mom yet (did i mention how hot my future-husband would be? yeah take note then, ladies. there'll be one less hot fish in the sea. yup, that's right. mine.). graduated from university, went wild and dumped psychology to be a successful entrepreneur instead. perhaps diving in hotel and management business field?

6. who do you always compare yourself to and why?
- who are you and how did you know i always compare myself to people. oh well. that's how sad my life is, peeps. anyway, the current figure that i always compare myself to is Vivy Sofinas Yusof. she's well known for being a successful entrepreneur by running an online fashion store with her then-boyfriend-but-now-husband, Fadzarudin Shah Anuar. recently, they opened their first offline boutique at Bangsar Village and soon they'll be spreading to people in Singapore! (and they already conquered Indonesia, how cool is that) why? i would say it's because her sincerity and her approach along with her husband, that feels different and somehow along the way it inspires and motivates me to be like them. not just as entrepreneurs but as a husband and wife, as parents, basically as human beings really and perhaps to be better, inshaa Allah. (and oh God did i tell you how suchhh cutie pies their kids areee?!!)

as for more six nominees, i nominate:
1. The Lady Frog
2. Putri Sabreena
3. Bistreroses
4. HanisNina
5. Nufairah 
6. Nanie Nania

and your six questions are (drum rolls please):
1. what is the most enchanting moment have you ever encountered in your life?
2. what is your wildest dream and why?
3. what kind of love story do you fantasize?
4. what are your top 22 songs on your recent played song playlist?
5. what is the meanest comment have you ever received and how did you handled it?
6. i love (fill in the blank space with whatever answer you like) the most because...

see what i did there with the questions? *nudge nudge* *wink wink*

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