things that don't matter anymore after high school
7:52 AMsettling in with the real world after spending 11 years of being in a compound of same things every year by year is definitely hard and requires effort. of course there were changes here and there year by year but in the end whether you're a senior year student or a primary student, there's no much difference. you're both in school. you're both tied to a system. so after graduated from high school, there are many things that I realized while going through that settling in process which are things that just don't matter anymore after you graduated from high school.
surely, there are lot of things that don't matter after high school and one of them is the quantity of your friends. it won't matter how many friends you have. what matters is the quality of your friendship. i know it sounds rather cliche but it's true. its like the golden rule of friendship. quality will always beat quantity. I'm not saying having many friends is bad, I'm saying it's not what matters. it's not something that's essential. what's essential is to have a friend that will stay no matter what. because after high school, we will all eventually go separate ways and those who'll stay friends and keep in touch are those who'll make an effort for it and those who know that their efforts are worth it. so if you have a lot of friends but you have no confidence to say they'll all keep in touch with you or at least one of them will do after high school, then i say there's definitely something wrong there.
other than that, defining our identity is definitely one of those things that don't matter anymore after high school. particularly in high school, students tend to think or feel the need of defining their identity by creating an image or a certain so called reputation. which will really don't matter anymore after high school. whether you were the popular guy or the popular girl, the fashionista, the troublemaker, the perfectionist prefect, the school's pride, et cetera et cetera, those will never matter after high school. people in the real world don't know and will never ask who you were in high school. they won't care how many love letters you got, they won't care how many branded clothes you owned, they won't care how many tournaments you went. that so called image or reputation you've worked so hard for will evaporate in a blink of an eye the moment you graduate. so think again before you do something just in order to please others, kids.
to add on, fitting in totally don't matter anymore after high school. it really never matters. because, when i think about it again now all i can see when it comes to fitting in is just a whole lot of wasting your time trying so hard for something that's just not worth it. I know it seems fun to have so many friends to hang with and do cool stuffs together but don't force yourself. I'm not trying to encourage sitting in a corner eating lunch alone, I'm trying to encourage being comfortable and confident in your own skin. to be yourself. it doesn't matter if you don't look like how they think you should. if you're comfortable with sitting alone sketching stuffs once in a while that's okay and if you like to spend your time with your family more than your friends that's okay too. high school life is just too short to spend it trying so hard to fit in. live your life in your own style and favors, as long as it doesn't go against syariah.
above of all, just go to school and don't sweat the little stuffs. what people think don't matter after high school. it never were. those silly arguments, nasty rumours, evil backbiters, will never matter after high school. i cannot stress enough how much i wish i knew that those things just don't matter. so if those things were to happen in the future, just brush it off your shoulder, ignore those craps and see what happens. just go for it and learn as many things as you can whether it be life lessons, school's subjects or new skills and talents. be good to everyone regardless of anything. judge no one but yourself to know at what part of you that need to be improved on, instead of ranting on others' flaws.
school is all about once in a lifetime experience. you'll be 13 years old or 15 or even 17 years old only once in your life. you'll only get to have those amazing, embarrassing, horrible and memorable first times once. so as much as i hate high school, i hate to admit there are things that will make you miss it the moment you graduated. so enjoy it while it lasts and make the most of every minute you have.