high school life? meh.

1:59 AM

you know that saying, where people quoted every now and then, that is how "you hate high school now. but you know you'll miss it one day." (something like that i think) I often wonder how much that quote is true. i mean, of course it's true if you're that popular guy/girl whom everyone loves. or if you're that student who always make the school proud. or you're that lovable student who is always adored by every teacher. or you're that friendly kid who fit in everywhere and anywhere. or you're a teacher's child, (which make sense what) who would dare to go against you?

it's irony. how sometimes, it seems easy for people to say they miss something or someone. basically anything or anyone. how much it hurts to know that? how much it reminds you to know that? how much do you love to know that? it's sick. it's sick when there are people who use meaningful words effortlessly in vain. almost as if it brings none meaning. at all. only for the sake of likes on facebook or getting replies on twitter saying "oh. my. God. sooo relate-ableee *diva emoticon* *few sighs emoticon* *plus smiling and laughing emoticon*".

when you talk about memories, sure. there are a lot of good memories to remember. when you talk about lessons, sure. there are a lot of life lessons learned. but are that good enough to miss high school so much? are that strong enough to heal the scars left by certain people or certain incidents or certain experiences? are that reasonable enough to forget the nightmares for the underdogs, or the victims of bullies, or the not-cool kids, or the always ignored by people aka wallflowers?

it felt cruel. it just doesn't feel right. it may sounds like i dramatically put it into words but really, it's something to think about. saying things nonchalantly is immature. it's like saying "relax, it's just a robbery" to your friend who's a bank manager. or saying "chill. it's not like it's the first time this happened" to your sister who's cheated by her husband. it sounds rather ridiculous, isn't it? well, that's how ridiculous that quote sounds to those who don't really have much fond memories when it comes to high school.

i believe missing something (anything or anyone really) is when it made you wish for the impossible. when it made you hope for a wishing star. when it made you dream of a time machine. i believe missing something for real is when you miss that something itself more than you miss the things related to it like its memories for an example. that felt more real and so much more sincere. at least that's what i believe on how it should be. oh yes. that's how it should be.

high school? it's nothing new. be it a public school, private school, religious school ecetra ecetra. everything can happen and anything will happen. don't expect everyone is nice and all goody two shoes just because it's a religious school. don't expect everyone is smart and all As just because it's an elite school. because in the end, everyone is human. people make mistakes. what makes the difference is if you learn from it or not.

high school life? same - same. things can happen. someday, you'll might get back stabbed by your friend or embarrassed in front of everyone. and you'll might run into your crush in the corridor resulting a very hideous shocked face or get into a fight with a classmate out of a misunderstanding resulting a very revengeful enemy. I'm not saying that is really what will happen to you. I'm trying to say how you never know what life will give you and that goes the same with high school. how to go through it smoothly? there's no other way. just bump it. and see how it goes. either it makes you. or breaks you.

now go study. what a procrastinator lah you guys.

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