non-fictionally talk about fiction
4:00 PMfiction. a very imaginative world where you can make horses fly and see frogs singing a lullaby. one can even make dragons came back to life or travel through time. because it's fiction. everything is possible. it's a world where humans can escape from their hectic life and go on an adventure without moving a mile. be it by reading fictional books, or watching fictional movies, or even listening to fictional stories. it enhance ones mind and creativity and sometimes it even influence ones opinion and views with or without ones consent. it's despicable yet amusing and it's confusing yet possible.
One thing about fiction that amuse me the most is how addictive it
can be. Well, that depends on how the fiction is done of course. How the
creator start the story, how the creator create the flow of the story and of
course lastly is how the creator end the story. But that’s the fun of fiction
world. Some creators never end their stories properly. I always assume either
the creator wants its audience to make their own conclusion of the story, or
the creator basically is out of ideas to end the story (that’s quite possible
on top of that, the kind of fiction i personally like the most, is the one that have a plot twist. but not just any typical plot twist that most of the time is either doesn't make any sense or simply predictable which is the opposite of how a plot twist should be. i like the kind of plot twist that is shocking yet logical. the kind of plot twist that makes you re-think the whole earlier plot and think "ahhh. now that makes sense". the kind of plot twist that if it is a melodramatic one or a romantic one or whatever genre of scene it is, it instantly gave me those feels. that's the kind of plot twist i like. oh yes. *grins and stupidly felt proud for having that kind of taste*
another thing about fiction, is that it made you feel like creating one. and that's how fiction evolves i assume. fiction is that much of an addiction that it multiplies the creators day by day. be it fictional books, movies, dramas, or even youtube videos. it's a colorful world created by creative minds that for some people, they love having themselves just merely observing and being the audience only because it's fun. it's that addicting. for now maybe i'll stay as a mere audience first. of course every now and then i do have that urge to create a fictional story myself. but let's just say for now, it's still in my dream-bucket-list.
to add on, it's common to hear opinions saying fiction is merely a fiction. it's unrealistic and impossible to happen in real life. yes of course if you're talking about hogwarts and vampires. but mostly for family theme fictions or basically real life based fictions, i believe it's quite absurd to conclude it as that. fictions are created by humans. it's natural to obtain ideas from around you. even for imaginative fictions like about ogres or bears, there are core values that shouldn't be ignored. instead, it should be taken as a lesson and thus apply it in real life. that's how it works. things happen in real life and creators create fictions based on those events. then people shall learn and be better in the future. and that's how it cycle around and around like a circle. that's how i see how fictions can play their role in contributing to the real world and not just simply be a fiction.
ReplyDeleteAWWW gee thanks :) oh haha i just changed my url cause recently i feel like writing again xD