do what you love, love what you do
11:36 PMit's been two days since i received my SPM results (no i won't tell mine) and i still can't believe it happened already. it feels like i am finally, really, for real, free from high school. its like that one last string attached has finally been cut through. its like that one last knot has finally untied. now we are all finally on our own path for real. it still felt a bit unreal but that will pass away somehow, well i know it will for sure. now, all of that has come to the deathly "what am i going to do?" question. it's amazing how in a blink of an eye all of a sudden i get to decide how's my life is going to be. of course, in reality i won't fully get that power to decide but by hook or by crook, i'm planning to do so. i know i have that responsibility to discuss it further with my parents but above all, i pledged to myself that i, will never do something without passion or love moreover if it's out of force. i only have one life and i plan to make the most of it. i am not going to waste time learning or doing something that i don't have any passion towards it. building passion? learning to love things? na ah. to me, that's a whole lot more of wasting time. why bother doing something that requires time to learn how to love doing it when you can just do what you already love and have passion towards it? and how sure are you that you will love what you're doing? it's a big risk and even if i am a risk-taker, this is a kind of risk that i will never, ever take.
in the current world we're living in, at least what we can see here in Asia, it's pretty unfair when one decides to be a doctor or an engineer or a lawyer or even an architect, they're more accepted and acknowledged by the society. but when it comes to those who decides to approach uncommon fields like management, arts, media, food, fashion, basically those areas where it requires least academic achievements, they're less accepted or acknowledged by society or even their own family members. really,who decides what's professional or not? who decides which career can achieve most success? because in the end of the day, it all depends on yourself. even if you're a lawyer, but if you're lazy, irresponsible and charge clients with illogical sum of money and yet you expect me to respect you then na ah. that's no success to be respected. i believe every passion should be respected and acknowledged equally. if one wants to be a lawyer and it's okay then for one who wants to be a hotel manager, it should be okay too. because in the end, every career, every area, has it on ways in contributing to the country and the Ummah itself. just because it offers higher income doesn't mean it contributes more to the society and just because it's not a professional job doesn't mean it doesn't play any role in developing a country. i believe every single career has it own kind of importance be it a president or a housekeeper.
now that's more to before receiving SPM results. the after-story is tend to be the usual cases where one gets good grades but their passion is towards the uncommon fields or one gets the opposite grades but still has the passion towards the common fields like medical, engineering and ecetra ecetra. in any ways, i still believe passion comes first. once you have passion, you'd do anything to get far from where you are now. that's how passion can keep you going on. it's like when people in love, in usual cases they'll do anything for their spouse, right? like michael bolton's song lyrics, "when a man loves a woman, spend his very last dime trying to hold on to what he needs. he'd give up all of his comforts and sleep out in the rain. if she said that's the way, it ought to be" so when you have passion, nothing seems impossible in your eyes. even if some of the things in this world are impossible, you'll be the last one to know. that's how much passion can drive you and that's why it'll drive you further in life.
even if you may say, that other factors like job opportunities or range of fields or amount of salaries and ecetra ecetra, should be considered as well. i believe those comes second. those are important but not as important as passion. passion seems small to most people but it actually plays a really big role in keeping you doing things right. it will give you that energy boost. it will give you that satisfied smile. when everything goes wrong, it gives you the reason that'll make you feel alright. it gives you that relieved sigh at the end of the day knowing every single drop of sweat was worth it simply because you love it. passion can motivate you to achieve so much more than you can imagine. it has that force to keep you on track. now passion doesn't seem that small to you now, does it? it's sad that in reality people overlook passion and focus more on job opportunities, high incomes, and ecetra ecetra. to me, passion makes you more humane. doing what you love is called freedom and loving what you do is a long-lasting happiness. and that's what i want. to be free and happy. it sounds childish and immature but trust me, when you're enthusiastic and energetic it'll not only benefit you but it'll benefit your loved ones and the people around you too.
what? how's my SPM results? well, lets just say mine was rather satisfying despite my effortless studying method.