
fangirling session : to all the boys I've loved before

9:36 PM

"How was i supposed to know what's real and what's not? it feels like i'm the only one who doesn't know the difference."

so i just finished reading this book by Jenny Han entitled "to all the boys I've loved before" (i finished it in a day like ladies and gentlemen, please give me a round of applause) and to me, it was really beautifully written. i loved how Jenny plot her story line and how every first line at the start of every chapter is in capital letters, i don't know why but that attracted me somehow. i like how the stories unveil throughout the story (if that makes sense) on how it makes the flow of the story seems mild, not too slow and not too fast. the story length was really, just in the same year but how she plots it and insert the other stories here and there are just beautiful.

"i didn't think of it as lying though. i thought of it as playing make-believe. i told Kitty she was adopted and her real family was in a travelling circus. it's why she took up gymnastics."

for the surface of the story, i liked how she made the main character a Korean american instead of the usual British or american background which makes the story a lot more lively with cultures (except for that i expected more on that part like celebrating a Korean thanksgiving day scene or shopping at the market with her grandma, whatever suitable scenes there are) and makes the book more attractive as it focus on a minority of america's population, moreover, an Asian. besides that, i like the song girls concept. i like the idea on how because before their mother's death, their mother used to say that she's a song girl for life and so they decided to put their mother's last name and call themselves too 'the song girls' so they won't lose their Korean identity which gave me this hearty warmth feeling. besides, there's nothing to complain with a middle name because their name sounds even cooler with that. Lara Jean Song Covey, it definitely has a right ring to it.

"that night I pack Kitty's and my lunches. i make what Mommy used to make us sometimes when we went on picnics at the winery in Keswick. I don't know if Kitty will remember eating these rice balls, but i hope her heart will."

so on the content sense, i like how original the idea was. who could have imagined for our ancient love letters to suddenly be sent out to its supposed recipient? if that really happens somewhere in this world then that would definitely be a terrifying nightmare. furthermore, on the details aspect, i like how the fact that she didn't even send those letters in the first place right after she wrote it. it felt more self-satisfying. well crushes are liking someone from afar and it felt like writing a supposed love letters are really handy when you feel the need to tell that person specifically. it's like lying to your own self but that won't hurt anyone, will it? that concept is very interesting that even attracted me to try as well. other than that, i like the characters Jenny picked to be the 5 boys who received the love letters from Lara Jean (well technically she only wrote it but she's not the one who sent it). the 5 boys who Lara had crush on before. they're a variety of characters and honestly i must say some are very relate-able and some are very understandable. well i am a girl too.

"as we walk to his car, i let my hair fall in my face so he doesn't see me smiling. it sure is nice being part of a group, feeling like i belong."

so on to characters of the novel. it was quite a first time that i just can't really imagine who's my main character (Lara Jean) is but most of the time i just imagined a random Asian Hollywood actress that I've seen somewhere on HBO. i loved her so much maybe because we have too many things in common or things that are too relate-able. it's fun when the fiction's main character is relate-able. we understand them more and it's like we can feel every single emotion for every single kind of scene. for Peter Kavinsky (honestly i don't know too if it's pronounced literally as sky sky or ski skiing), i imagined Justin Timberlake because somehow my mind thought he would suit that kind of character wearing leather jacket and all. you know, the typical egoistic and narcissistic but witty, popular guy in school who plays in a lacrosse team. it's quite cliche in this part because *spoiler alert* the love line involves a nobody girl and the popular guy in school but what's not to love about that? he turns out to be a pretty sweet guy who's close (but isn't spoiled) with his mother and patient with kids. now that's something no girl would not love. as for Josh Sanderson, his personality kinda reminds me of Peter Parker but in a cooler way so i imagined Andrew Garfield as him. I actually really like his personality and i so get how Lara could be in love with him first. he's that nice guy friend who's charming, smart, caring etcetera etcetera. but oh i hate it when he blames Lara for not confessing back then, after getting that letter saying it would have made a difference. like, hello. you are no different mister. you didn't do anything too when you know you're inclined to Lara. okay, whatever. for Margot, i just imagined this one Korean actress that i really am not sure what's her name but i do remember her face. heheh. she's so independent and mature that sometimes made me want to be like her and sometimes i don't. as for Katherine a.k.a Kitty, i imagined her as that kid actress from Interstellar. i'm not quite sure if now she's too old to be a 10 years old fiction character but she definitely suits to be Kitty in my perspectives. oh i love how she's young but has a fashion sense.

"I've never known Margot to chicken out before, but i supposed in matters of the heart, there's no predicting how a person will or won't behave."

for scenes aspect, technically there are some cliche moments but personally, i'm totally fine with a sprinkle of cliche moments. it's addictive and that's why those certain aspects and moments became cliche. it's like they've become like the salt and pepper when you cook. it's a must. and also, there were scenes where i was for sure about predicting what was going to happen and the story failed me on that. some are bewildering, some are overwhelming and some are quite disappointing but acceptable. i'm actually liking the plots and the story flow and all that ish so much right now that i'm actually quite afraid to read the sequel. i hope it won't disappoint me in any aspect because i'm so having a high expectations and i'm just really looking forward for the sequel!

"it's fun to think of the what-if. scary, but fun. it's like, i thought this door was closed before, but here it is open just the tiniest of crack. what if?"

overall, to me, it's like a korean drama but in american version. i don't know but i'm sure at least one person get me for that. i hope. by the way, i'm rating this 4.5 chocolates out of 5 chocolates. (why chocolates? because i prefer chocolates over stars)

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  1. I haven't read many English books other than my reference books and some motivation books. Do you think this is nice as a starter? :D

    I'm looking forward to get to know John Sanderson and Margot by the way :D

    1. hey there hanis :) well, i don't read many english books enough to recommend either but i think it is a nice fiction as a starter. but if you're not familiar enough with american lifestyle or culture then maybe a british background fiction would be better.

      oh yes you should ! John is a very charming yet low profile character and Margot will really make you want to be a good sister too haha hope this helps btw :)
